September 18, 2015

Pumice Stone (Pack of 4)

Pumice Stone (Pack of 4)

I have been looking for a quality pumice stone and I’m pretty sure finally found one!! The best part about finding this set is it comes with 4 of them! My daughter has awful calluses from playing softball and needed one that would be able to take care of the tough ones. This pumice stone does the trick. I used it on her after soaking her feet for 30 minutes in a nice warm tub of water. The stone has 2 sides. One that is coarse and one that is medium. I used the coarse side on the really tough calluses and the medium on the parts of her foot that were just a little dry. This was very easy to use. I added a little foot wash to her stone and scrubbed away using circular motions as well as straight line motions. After scrubbing her foot, her feet were super soft. Her hard ugly calluses were almost completely gone (it’s going to take more than 1 scrubbing for those bad boys).

I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.  My opinions and thoughts are 100% mine and have not been swayed in any way.

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