July 3, 2015

Flameless LED Illumicandle

Flameless LED Illumicandle

Flameless LED Illumicandle is perfect for homes that have children. You get the look and feel of a real candle without the risks of real candles.

With these candles, you don't have to worry about the leaving the room while they are on. Not only are these virtually worry free, they are also beautiful. I love that these have so many different color options. 12 to be exact.

The best thing about these though, is the remote. With a real candle you don't have that (though that would be kinda awesome).

Overall, with the Flameless LED Illumicandle you get the feel and look of a candle but a whole lot better.

I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

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